Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Late Night Walmarting

Let's talk about my late-night trip to Walmart last night. Though it's my favorite time of year I know that this season can really bring out the worst in people. Each of these things happened within the last 10 minutes of my shopping trip:

1. I was trying to turn into a main aisle but I saw a cart coming and so I stopped and grinned slightly at the man pushing the cart. He looks at me, smiles rather big and says, "Thank ya baby, for smiling. Have a Merry Christmas!" Wouldn't you know that he's an employee? I can only imagine how many shitheads he's had to deal with in the past few weeks, but he was thankful that I was smiling and not silently rude.

2. I get in line to check out. I have about 15 items in my cart but the man behind me only has two items and so I tell him to go ahead and go in front   of me. His response? "Oh no, it's fine, (while smiling) I'm in no hurry at all." SINCE WHEN IS EVERYONE NOT IN A HURRY?

3. We both end up switching lanes because a couple of new lanes became available. I get up to pay and realize both my debit and credit card are in the car and I only have about $100 cash on me. I'm about $3 short to purchase that other bottle of wine, but it's fine really. I mean, it's just wine, and the party isn't until Friday. The man behind me speaks up, "Oh, hey, how much do you need?" "Let me get that for you" I mean, he is insisting. I, of course, do not let him pay because I literally have no cash out in the car to pay him back- but it's the thought. 

Each of these things completely gave me a warm & fuzzy feeling. So many wonderful people still exist in this world, even at 11:00 at night in a Walmart. Did I mention I was extremely sick and in severe pain from a fever? Thank you, kind souls for being genuine people! This is why life ins't so bad after all (:

And actually, I'm feeling a bit better today! Everyone, enjoy your day and don't forget to stay kind even in the most impossible situations.


Thursday, November 27, 2014


Happy Thanksgiving!

Since today is our day of giving thanks I want to say thank you, to all of you!

Without readers of this blog, it would be more than pointless (minus a bit of a relief to my very frantic brain). Anyway, I greatly appreciate it! Thanks for stopping by when you do and taking time to listen to what I have to say.

In honor of this delicious day, I mean, day of thankfulness here's a list of 10 things I'm currently thankful for in life:

  1. My husband. He's such a good guy and I'm so very lucky to have his love (always), attentions (sometimes), and hilarious jokes (never).
  2. All other family- you know who you are. Not necessarily the blood relatives; the ones who actually exist in my life and care. Thank you for always being there.
  3. Our military family. Today, without our military family, Thanksgiving wouldn't be the same at all. I remember our Thanksgiving in Pendleton, we had no friends and spent our Thanksgiving at a Panda Express because they gave out free food to military. I am SO thankful to spend this year with amazing friends, making good memories.
  4. Friends. I mean, most of my friends are pretty much family to me, but just in case there was any discrepancy, I wanted to clarify that I am thankful for you.
  5. My job(s). All of them. I work myself to death and I'm constantly tired, but I'm so thankful that I'm able to work and have been lucky enough to stumble upon so many wonderful opportunities in life.
  6. School. I hate it. I hate it so hard I couldn't hate it any harder. But I'm thankful. So many people aren't able to go to school, and I am. I can see the light at the end of the tunnel and I'm thankful to have the capability to finish and have the opportunity to find a wonderful career.
  7. Shelter. It is great, owning a house and all. Even more importantly I'm thankful that I have a home, true shelter, where I feel safe and comfortable.
  8. Food! I'm thankful that I do not experience food insecurity and that I'm able to eat when I need to.
  9. Technology. It sounds bazaar, but it isn't what you think. Being so far away from home makes it difficult to stay in touch with our friends and family all the time. Social media, especially  makes communicating and keeping up with loved ones enjoyable and easy with our busy schedules. 
  10. Love. I'm so thankful to both give and receive love from so many people. I find myself to be truly blessed for all of the wonderful people Jordan & I have in our lives. There's nothing that will make you happier in life than giving and receiving love, I promise. 
Feel free to leave the 10 things you're exceptionally thankful for in the comments (:

Happy Turkey Day, everyone! Enjoy your full tummies and memory making<3 I truly hope each of you have a wonderful day & if you work retail- GOOD LUCK to you tonight!


Wednesday, November 26, 2014

Why You Hate the Holidays

First- let me start by saying thank you all for all of the wonderful, kind words you sent our way yesterday as Jordan was undergoing surgery. Everything went well & they actually did BOTH levels on his back so he wouldn't have to go back (this is very rare, but awesome). He's definitely in some pain today (as expected) but he is up and walking, and in high spirits. If this continues he should have a great recovery!

& now, onto the important stuff (;

I pretty much consider myself to be one of Santa's helpers-
I LOVE Christmas and everything about the holidays, seriously. Well, except traffic. Nobody likes traffic.

But I've noticed how many people truly dislike Christmas and everything it stands for (not including Jesus Christ) because obviously people care about that part.

I'm referring to: Christmas music, Christmas decorations, Christmas cheer, Christmas shopping, Christmas everything. 

And so I asked myself, "Why?"

I don't understand how someone could not like Christmas.

Afterall, it IS the happiest season of all.
It is the season of giving- giving thanks, giving goods, giving love and giving memories.

Really important things if you ask me.

After much thought and consideration I think I've figured it out.

The reason(s) you hate Christmas is because:

  • You're a procrastinator. If you wait until two weeks before Christmas to start your shopping, OF COURSE you hate Christmas. I mean, how stressful is that? Extremely. I should probably be ashamed, but I'm not- I started Christmas shopping in February this year. Yes, as in less than two full months after the last Christmas passed. And guess what? Here I am, before Thanksgiving, and almost ALL of my shopping is done (My list this year contains 58 people).
  • You don't donate. Now, I'm not saying everyone is able to donate $10/mo. to a great cause, etc. But what I am saying is that when you go through the line at Dollar Tree and they ask if you'd like to donate a gift for a child in need (all items are $1.00) and you say no, that you just don't understand what the season is about. GIVING. The season is about giving, and a dollar could do a lot for one child's Christmas.
  • You don't decorate. Decorations are literally what create the Christmas environment in homes, businesses and in the streets. Want a truly magical Christmas? Decorate! P.S. the Dollar Tree has incredibly adorable items, all for $1.00. I'll be making a post here soon about some DIY crafts for Christmas this year. I should sort of include that you should watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas music (; It's good for the soul!
  • You love getting gifts. I've sort of said it before- it's the season of giving! This means you have to love to give gifts more than you love receiving gifts. This is me! I'm such a cheerful giver & I love nothing more than to make others happy and give them things they'll love. P.S. homemade gifts are awesome also! My husband's family always does a "girl's gift" which is to be a homemade gift from each girl to each girl. How fun, right?!
Now, I understand there are other reasons that people hate the holidays. Family issues, mostly. I get that. At the same time, the holidays will be here year after year, and there's no true way around them. Why not make the best of the season and embrace as much of the joy & happiness that you can?

Now get into the holiday spirit and start making wonderful memories with friends and loved ones- you completely control your happiness (especially on the holidays)!


Saturday, November 22, 2014

Important Life Update

As many of you know, Jordan (my husband) has had a pretty shotty back for awhile now.

This past February he was finally diagnosed (after 1+ years of pain) with having two slipped discs, an annual tear and nerve damage in the lower portion of his back.

Since then he has undergone physical therapy, steroid treatments and numerous visits to a chiropractor. Unforatuntely he hasn't made any recovery, and he finds himself constantly in pain.

This coming Tuesday, November 25 he will be undergoing back surgery at the Laser Spine Institute in North Tampa. From my understanding they will be shaving off parts of his lowest disk in hopes of relieving some of the inflamation, which could allow the disks to slip back into place.

However, it is likely that after this surgery he will be undergoing a second in the near future. 

Anyway, my point is this: we could use all the positive vibes, thoughts and prayers you have to offer.

I'm not so worried about the surgery as I am the recovery period and the results of the surgery. Back surgeries are always dangerous, of course, but I'm truly hoping this will be his only surgery and that he will find much relief. 

Also, I will be the one taking care of him in between all of my jobs and school and I'm very worried about making enough time for studying and life in general while he recovers. 

I'm sure everything will be fine, everything is just a bit stressful currently.

As always, thanks for reading and thanks in advance for all of those positive thoughts!


Monday, November 3, 2014


I seem to change how I feel (about everything) quite often.

For example for literally 5 years Jordan would beg me to keep trying caesar salads that I hated- and finally, about 6 months ago I tried one for the hundredth time and somehow actually like it.

And now I'm obsessed.

Weird, I know.

The same stands true for a lot of other foods, ideas, activities, etc.

I keep me on my toes so nobody else has to.

When I was younger I couldn't get enough of winter- the snow, sledding, reindeer, SANTA CLAUS, decorating the Christmas tree, SO much hot chocolate, Christmas music & movies and the list goes on and on.

But as I got older I began hating winter. Don't get me wrong, I stilled loved everything about Christmas, however, I just hated the cold and would practically hibernate all winter besides work and school (and even then I sometimes wouldn't make it due to being ridiculously cold).

Alas, we are here. The best happy-medium I could ask for.

Florida, all year round.

I still freeze, just not as much. I still skip school sometimes (today) because I'm too cold to get out of bed, but not as often. I still LOVE Christmas, hot chocolate, music, movies, cuddling- but even more, because now I can actually get out of the house and enjoy life during the winters.

It still gets pretty cold here starting late December-February, a different kind of cold than the north offers, but I'm somehow okay with the cold knowing that summers come so much earlier & last so much longer.

Recently we've been in a crazy cold front, it was 37 degrees when I got up at 8:30 this morning, which is "cold" for us this time of year. Today the high will be back up to 77, thank goodness. With the wind I'll still be chilly & I'll still go grab me some Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks<3

But that's alright, because we need to experience a little fall before our winter actually hits.

For a girl that hates Winter, Florida sure has taught me to love it.

For all of my northern friends, keep warm- I know you're experiencing the true cold weather that's completely unbearable to me! & also, feel free to come visit whenever (:

P.S. Peppermint Mocha is available YEAR ROUND, in case you didn't know (:


Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Little Update~

I'm slacking, like usual.

I truly just don't have time though, which stinks.

So here's a thorough, but somehow (hopefully) short update on life, if you're interested!

1. Jordan's orders went through<3

So basically he is guaranteed a job here, in sunny FL until February- which is still a bit stressful, but we are thankful for security until then.

2. I got a perm!

If you're already friends with me on Facebook or Instagram you know this. But OMG- I LOVE it. Multiple people have asked me if it destroyed my hair and since I've had it a few weeks now I can say it hasn't. However, I definitely need a trim since it did help destroy my ends a bit (just as a curling iron would).

3. Halloween Horror Nights!

Neither Jordan or I have ever been to Universal Studio's and we finally got to go! It was terrifying! I literally lost my voice from screaming and being so scared for so many hours all at once. And it was SUPER expensive, so we may not go again. However, it was an awesome experience and we really enjoyed ourselves (:

4. Hockey season is back!

On Monday & Tuesday of last week Jordan and I got to attend Tampa Bay Lightning games and oh how we've missed it (: We even got to watch Stamkos get his first hat-trick of the season!

5. Jason Aldean & Florida Georgia Line Concert

After that rude post on Craigslist and how pissy it makes me I was lucky enough to get us tickets, and for cheap! The concert was a ton of fun & I'm super happy we were able to get tickets and hangout with friends!

6. Anniversary!

Jordan and I had our anniversary on Monday, and we had so much fun! We went out for drinks Sunday after a loooooonnnnnnnggggg and not so great weekend at work. I skipped school and slept in on Monday. Jordan ran and got us breakfast from Dunkin' and then he surprised me with TWO bouquets of flowers. The first is SO adorable, but he wasn't sure it if would be "romantic" enough, so he also grabbed some roses. He is soooo good to me, love that man.

We went hiking at a nearby park later in the afternoon, followed by a lovely dinner  at Bern's Steakhouse in Tampa and then a little Fifa and wine together that night. So so perfect.

Also my new Fall centerpiece on the dining room table <3

7. Christmas!

I'm super excited to announce that we're coming home for Christmas! However, tickets were RIDICULOUS. So we've decided to drive to make things easier, yay!

I'm sure I'm missing some important things elsewhere, but I'll hit them later. You know, eventually.

P.S. I'm patting myself on the back for being so great at taking photos lately. Otherwise this post would be incredibly boring. Good job, me!


Friday, October 17, 2014

Craigslist: A Hopeful Let Down

Let's have a little Craigslist chat.

I'll start by saying, I never use Craigslist, with the exception of, "Crap today is our friend's birthday where her party is at the Jason Aldean concert, I surprisingly don't have work, and now I need last-minute tickets, and still I don't want to pay an arm and a leg for what were $40 tickets."

So, you get it. We've all been there before, I'm sure.

And as much as I do like Jason Aldean, they're LAWN seats. As in, they should be cheap- but everyone is trying to make some serious money because other idiots are willing to pay.

For THREE days now I've been searching rather diligently through Stubhub, Ticketmaster, etc. And finally, out of desperation I turned to Craigslist.

Today, I saw a post "Two Jason Aldean tickets $50 each for lawn seats"

I pretty much screamed of excitement on the inside. I texted the number very quickly, with the reply of, "Yes," they still had them. YAY MEEEE! So I reply, "I'll take them!"

A few texts we go back and forth... she lives about 45 minutes away. I inform her I work until 1 but will leave immediately and head her way. She's going to give me an address for a nearby Starbucks to her for us to (exciting, because that means I'm not getting raped or murdered, ya know?).

Anyway she's replies, "I'll check the physcial address in a sec."

And that's it.

This, by the way, is AFTER she's texting me checking that I'm positive I want them and that I'm coming because she has two others interested.

I text back letting her know I may be able to leave earlier.. no response. So I finally text her one last time nearly 40 minutes after her last text. I say, "If you're bailing please let me know so I can start looking for other tickets now /:" 

I said it kindly, but deep inside I wanted to say something more along the lines of, "Don't be a rude bitch. If you already sold the tickets to someone else just f*****g tell me." But I didn't Even though I already knew something was up.

Ahh... finally a response. 

And it makes sense. Because if my life could be summed up by a single photo this is the one.

Hands down.

My kind of luck. Or she was a lying B! Either way. NOT HAPPY.

In fact, I'm super sad. Because now I can't find any other tickets ): Boooooo!

Moral of the story: Craigslist, and the type of people I associate with Craigslist are the reason I avoid Craigslist!

P.S. I know I said Craigslist a lot there. It seemed necessary.


P.S.S.S I shouldn't have shown her number.. but I'm too lazy to edit right now. So don't go harassing the poor, stupid woman, please.


Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The military life has been.. frustrating for us. 

Sure, it could have been worse in many, many ways. 

But we've moved A LOT. 

And it never really seems to end. Living day-to-day not knowing when your husband is going to be out of a job or shipped across the country is stressful. 

Thankfully we've been lucky enough to be in FL for two years now (barely officially). 

However, tomorrow we will find out whether or not Jordan will be living here for at least the next 6 months (at least) or if he'll be moved to Cincinnati.

I couldn't help but feel my eyes fill with tears as I overheard his Gunny through the phone, saying, "Well we aren't really sure what's going on. But, as of today it seems a lot more likely than yesterday that you'll be in Cincinnati."

And so, we wait.

Our situation is much more complicated than any active duty story you'll ever hear. Well, I can't necessarily say that- the military does a lot of crazy things to people.

My husband's orders are strange. He's a reservist that was activated over 3 years ago and each year he has gotten extended (though the first year they forgot about us for awhile and he was out of a job for a couple of months, unpaid). BUT his reserve unit is not here in Florida, but in Cincy instead.

He is still considered an Ohio resident and that is where his reserve unit is. And so, when he gets extended, if they can't afford to send him somewhere they get to keep him- and trust me, they want him there. This isn't the first battle we've had.

We just aren't sure if we'll win this time.

However, I will say that Florida is our H O M E. We've bought a house here and for two years now we've gotten to live together and come home to each other every night, even if it is 1 a.m. by the time I'm home from work. 

My mind is worried and my heart is sad.

And still, worrying will do no good as we have no control over this situation.

I'm hoping to know more tomorrow. We will see. If there is news I'll post here.

In the mean time all the positive thoughts and prayers would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance.


Monday, September 29, 2014

Why You're Perfect

Being 21, young, dumb, naive- you know, everything that I "am" by being 21 I understand that you'll be judged.

I mean, really, I know.

Because I've experienced it firsthand. 

Over and over again I've heard how ridiculously I live my life. After all I got married SO young, threw away all of my youth and happiness for nothing. And ugh, I'll never have sex with ANYONE else ever again. How do I not understand how terrible of a thing this is?

I have no understanding of how the "real" world is because I've yet to experience it. I think I know everything. And strangers KNOW this about me. It's so lovely.

And then comes, the, "You have HOW many jobs?" I know, I've covered this before here. But seriously, it's a never-ending-judgmental battle I'm fighting here.

Thankfully, I'm not alone.

In fact, each of you are right there with me. Perhaps our circumstances are a bit different in one way or another.

But that's what makes life BEAUTIFUL

It's what makes you beautiful, unique, different and yet so interesting to me.

We're each so different. Individuals. Beautiful, perfect people. Just the way we are.

We each have days of ugly, rude, judgement and hatred but we're only human.

Our flaws don't define us. 

In fact, those mistakes you've made should be used to build and shape a better you.

It's time to start loving yourself. The way friends, families and animals (mostly animals) love you.

Feel good in the skin you're in and embrace each and every flaw you carry because you are perfect just the way you are. Each and every one of you. 

Just feeling a little inspirational & happy today. Loving life for the first Monday in awhile. Life is good, even when it's bad. And you're all perfect, even when you don't feel that way.


Wednesday, September 24, 2014

The Perfect Size 0

I'll be the FIRST to tell you that today, in America, we have an issue with overweight and obesity.

In fact, about 3/4 of our population is currently either overweight or obese and America is the ONLY country in the world who has a scale for morbid obesity.

This is a problem.

And still, I'll be the first to tell you that our country struggles with eating disorders. I personally blame a lot of this on media (especially social).

Eating disorders ARE a mental illness. But through work and therapy they can be reversed and lives can be saved. 

This is a problem.

But what if I told you that in the past 2 years-ish or so that I've gone from wearing a size 0/1 to a size 5? 

Immediately I'm sure you're thinking, "Wow! She's gained a lot of weight."

And what if I told you that I, in fact, haven't gained a single pound. 

Now I'll let you you, every word of this is true.

Don't get me wrong Target is my FAVORITE store of probably ever. They have the most adorable home goods, clothes and decorative style hands down.

However, about 3 months ago I wanted to get some of their shorts when they were B1G1 50% off- because that's a super great deal. I was sort of in a hurry, so I grabbed a size 1 and a size 3 and ran back to the dressing room. The size 1's wouldn't go past my thighs. And the size 3's got all the way up but wouldn't button up without extreme-muffin-toppage.

And by simply looking at the size 5's I thought there was NO possible way they would fit, they looked huge.

When my mom came into town to visit she brought some shorts and we sort of swapped out with each other choosing some that fit the other better (you get the point). And she had a ton of Target shorts that were size 5.

 If you know my mother at all she is extremely tiny. She's about 5'4" and 105 lb. and she was wearing a size 5?

You can understand my puzzlement I'm sure. So I asked her to try them on, since they fit her so well (some how). And sure enough they fit. Perfectly, in fact. 

And as we continue looking through her clothes she pulls out a very large pair of shorts. I tried them on and they were much longer than the others and much more loose around the waist than all of the others. So I decide to look at the brand and size, just to see if maybe they were a size, oh 7 or so.

I glanced. I looked again. Mossimo: Size 2. Practically falling off of my waist.

I suddenly couldn't even speak. I got it. Right then and there I understood the exact reason our country is suffering from so many eating issues. Over-eating, under-eating, binge-eating, purging. I got it. 

I don't blame Target for this, because I know that they aren't alone. But something terrible is happening. How can it be that in only 2 years a company can change their scale to a 4-5x SMALLER scale. Does this not terrify anyone else?

And how are we supposed to stick together and encourage others that they are at a healthy weight and do not need to lose weight when a size 2 (2 years ago) is now wearing a size 7-9?

I can't even imagine the pain. I know that I'm tiny, I always have been. But for those women and men who do not know that they are tiny, or normal, this could be a horrible thing. I felt worried that I was gaining weight once I realized I had jumped up 5 sizes. And as I stepped on a scale for the first time in a few months, nothing had changed.

So here I am, 5'5" weighing 108 lb. (underweight technically) collecting clothes in my closet from sizes 00 (American Eagle) up to a size 5 (Mossimo). 

I have no conclusion for this story. I only know that I have an issue with what is happening.

Perhaps it's time that we come up with a world policy of sizing. 26" waist= size whatever. World wide. End of story.

Or maybe we should focus a little less on the size. Maybe, like guy jeans, we should focus on the seams. Inches in waist, inches in length and call it a day.

Wanting to be the "perfect" size 0 has become an issue. Let's not focus on our size of pants, but instead of the way we feel inside. Let's focus on feeling healthy, happy and balanced in life.

Maybe, just maybe this could be the start to a happier and healthier United States


Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What butterflies & unicorns?

Just when things feel like they'll start to look up, a turn for the worst is most common. I'm currently in desperate need of good vibes/prayer/extra thoughts today. 

Only a couple of weeks ago my grandma Sue (my dad's ex-step-mom) passed away. It sounds bizarre but she was a huge part of my childhood and we've never lost contact until the past year when she became very ill and could not longer use the phone or her laptop.

 Earlier last week my great-grandma (my closest family member besides my immediate family)  fell and broke her arm badly. Surgery went well on Friday and she was holding strong when she suddenly loss heartbeat on Saturday. The doctors were able to save her, but she was put on a vent only to be fine once more and taken off the vent later that day. Only a few hours later she again lost heartbeat only this time they could not save her- she passed away on Sunday. 

Both of these women were very dear to me and it's extra difficult not being home to say goodbye or celebrate their lives the way I'd like. 

 I took yesterday off for a day to myself to sort of reflect and just feel for once. Jordan and I spent the day together laughing, smiling and simply loving each other. It's so rare that I have time to do these things. 

I was extremely overwhelmed by missing a school day but figured that at this point what will happen will happen (I still didn't know how I did on my midterm last week since I missed yesterday).

This morning as I awoke for school I felt horribly ill. My anxiety has been terrible since yesterday evening and knowing I had a quiz to make up today did not help. As I go to leave I cannot find my car keys. But I remember. I had left them in Jordan's car on Saturday and not since seen them. You got it- I left them in his car. Which was located on base (about 45 minutes away), but being the sweet heart that he is he drove all the way home just to bring me my keys.

But now I'm late to class. Which almost worked out well? I missed the quiz that I knew I'd do poorly on, so not so bad. And we don't make up quizzes, yay!!!

But on my way home, I have a feeling something is wrong. Not sure if my head is hurting so bad that I think I'm swerving or WHAT is going on. Well? About 10 minutes later my tire blows. On the interstate. And I completely lose it.

I'm talking I cried for an hour straight while I was on the phone with my hubby, my insurance company, roadside assistance and the entire time a Road Ranger (thank goodness for these guys!) worked on and put on my spare.

But now I'm home. I showered, and cried some more. Finished my errands on the way home. I have work tonight, but a day off tomorrow. I'm still feeling SO overwhelmed with everything in life. But everything will be okay. It always is. I'm still so thankful for the things I do have, and it could be much worse I'm sure, but we all have our lows and this is mine for now.

For today though, what butterflies and unicorns? There are none in sight. But tomorrow, just maybe tomorrow the sun will shine and the butterflies will fly- not sure about those unicorns though.


Friday, September 12, 2014


Most recently (okay, at least a month now) I've been working on a HUGE home project. A bit of a DYI you may call it. 

I've been visiting the Dollar Tree lately (2 different stores) simply waiting for them to get the right reminaing picture frames I've needed. After about a month of searching I decided today to drive about 20 minutes away from anything I ever go to and check out a different Dollar Tree.

Best decision ever! I found the final frames I've been looking for and FINALLY finished my project.

Well, for the most part.

I know they definitely need leveled out- but no time for that today. Hopefully tomorrow I can post an updated photo with all of them tidy and straight.

Eeeeeks, so excited. 

I think it turned out pretty good! I didn't plan any of the hanging just went to work and finished in about 45 minutes. Please let me know what you think (even if you hate it) I just want some honest feedback (:

Yay to giving your home a little TLC <3


Wednesday, September 3, 2014

Patio Set Up & Ready to be (Re)Viewed!

Soooo happy to announce (it's important, listen)- my patio set arrived, it took a few days, but we got it together and it is absolutely A D O R A B L E <3

It arrived last Wednesday, and by Thursday night 3 chairs and the table were together. But Jordan really hurt his back doing all that work for me.

So then, my mom arrived on Friday and she just left on Monday morning (miss her already!) but on the following Friday morning (last week) we sat together and finished putting the set together.

And then, I was still on vacation so there was no way I was taking time to get on here and post pictures or a review.

But it's together and I LOVE IT! And I got it for SO cheap!

I searched all summer for a new patio set, but they were all so, so expensive that I just couldn't bring myself to purchase outside furniture for over $400. Finally, after watching prices all summer I noticed the set had dropped from $599.00 to $400. And as badly as I wanted to buy it then, I waited exactly one week and went back to look at the set. 

To my pleasant surprise, it had dropped to $350!!

For a 7-piece set that was an amazing deal for me (:

& so I immediately bought it online and it was shipped to my house one week later.

I can't deny that I was worried. After all, the photos from online weren't great and I didn't think I liked it as much as I would have liked to. But our old set was left by the previous owners and who knows how long they had it (it was rusting pretty badly).

The day it came I decided to check back to see if it had dropped more on price (hoping not, of course) and to my surprise it was actually completely sold out.

Yay for awesome shopping instincts and GREAT deals!!

Even if I did get the set from Walmart (their website, that is), it is super adorable.

Take a look yourself!

We've had it up for 5 days now and I absolutely LOVE it. There were no reviews online, so I was almost worried. Though, it would have been worse if there were only bad reviews. So thankful we got the set for cheap, that it was rather easy to put together and I LOVE IT.


Friday, August 15, 2014

Fall, so Soon?

Living in Florida has taught me quite a bit:
  • Avoid beaches at all costs on: every. single. holiday.
  • You don't have to smile and be friendly when you're sopping in sweat.
  • Deodorant is necessary. Always. Winter time? Wear deodorant. 
  • You've never really seen flooding until you've been here for an entire July.
  • Air conditioning is important. Unless death sounds appealing, of course.
  • Carry a beach bag in your vehicle always (one of my favorite things I've learned).
  • Carry an umbrella with you everywhere from June-August.
  • Outside events are only {truly} fun from September-March, unless you <3 sweat
  • So it rained.. don't expect it to cool off, unless...

Something helpful, I'd say. 

Generally when it rains in the June, July and even beginning of August months you'll get a quick storm or sprinkle followed by a laser beam of sunshine two seconds later. The temperature doesn't drop, the storm doesn't last all day and well, you still know it's summer.

Today, however, things are different.

When I woke up at 5:30 a.m. it was storming. And here we are, 3:30 p.m. and that storm is still hanging around, sprinkling, thundering, lightning, down-pouring. It has an entire cycle.

Luckily on my way to work I missed the rain (barely), but on my way home I wasn't so lucky. I felt the rain.

The cold, piercing rain. The no-longer-summer-rain. And not a peep of sunshine in the sky. Also, no use of AC today! Are we sure I'm still in Florida? 

It's still summer though, and come tomorrow {probably} summer will be back for awhile and the light beams from our beautiful sky will continue to attack our pale human bodies with extreme UV rays, thank goodness.

Still though, it's a sign. Fall is definitely on it's way, which means it's time to start prepping for fall activities. Not too soon, of course. My mom will be visiting next week and we're still going to be celebrating in the pool and at the beach.

I did, however, find these ADORABLE Halloween decorations at the Dollar Tree by my house. Each was only a dollar!! How cute?!


Thursday, August 14, 2014

Turning A House Into A Home

Jordan & I bought our house when we were young.
I was only 19 and he was 21.
So, really young.

At first it was the most EXCITING thing, ever. I felt so proud of myself and overjoyed with how much I loved my house.

But quickly, the new wore off and I was ready to move.
I actually hated our home.

Everywhere I turned I felt disgusted by the look of my house.
It got pretty bad.
Only living in our house a year I begged Jordan to move again and try to rent out our house.
I actually cried at one point because I hated our house so much.

How stupid, right?
But I couldn't help myself.
I thought it was ugly, falling apart and I didn't feel like dealing with it.

Boy, was I wrong.

It turns out I never really hated our house.
Instead, I just hated the fact that all of our walls were bare, we had little to no home decor and most of the cheap furniture I had bought trying to "save money" had fallen apart or began to look worn already.

Our house was just a house.
Not a home.
We needed some TLC in our home.
So, about a year ago I began. Room-by-room, wall-by-wall I began to really kick things into gear.
It wasn't easy, and it definitely was NOT cheap.

I even had to buy a new couch and dining room table along with multiple accent pieces. And pictures? Oh, I have purchased SOOOO many pictures. 

But today, I've finally reached a point where I can see the light at the end of the tunnel.
My house has finally turned itself into a HOME!
It's way more exciting than I ever thought it would be.

I'm not sure if it's because I'm finally growing up or what- but almost overnight I've gone from being completely over buying clothes and other unnecessary items to putting every purchase towards our house! And it's a wonderful feeling!

I'm thinking this week I'll start posting some photos to show everyone (:

Next week my new patio furniture will be coming and I'm hoping it's as cute in person and it is online. Eeeks, I'm excited!

My newest project? A rather large inspiring piece. I can't show you quite yet, but here is a sneak peek:

Any guesses as to what I'm up to? (;


Monday, August 11, 2014

Like Robin

In life people come, and people go.
Some bring happiness, others create heartbreak.

And still, we continue day to day living, interacting, creating friendships, ending friendships, bringing new loves into our lives and saying goodbye to those who meant something important to us- at least at one point

But sometimes this goodbye isn't a choice.

Instead, it may unfair. Misunderstood. Heartbreaking. 

A forever goodbye.

Tonight, like you all, I read the sad, heartbreaking news that Robin Williams has passed away. Immediately I felt a sadness in my heart. I almost physically cried thinking of all the wonderful joys he's brought to my life personally and how I'll never be able to enjoy any NEW joys from him. 

I've seen post after post about how upset everyone is, how he was so loved by the world that knew him as an actor, comedian or overall good guy. A man of wise words, inspiring work and everlasting impact on our chaotic world. Can you imagine?

If only he had known just how loved he was by the world, and I can only imagine the love his family has for him- as a relative, comedian, actor, friend, inspiration. 

My thoughts lie here: We should all strive to be like Robin. We all have issues, but we're all on the same boat together, just trying to keep afloat. Even through his pain he brought laughter, tears of joy and overall warm hearts all throughout the world. WE need to be more like. Bring joy to others even when we do not feel joy ourselves. 

And even more, we should learn to reach out to those who are in pain- depression is no laughing matter and it is very serious. Always smile, compliment and be kind to others. You never know what they're carrying on their shoulders. 

RIP Robin Williams <3

A personal favorite of his!