Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Late Night Walmarting

Let's talk about my late-night trip to Walmart last night. Though it's my favorite time of year I know that this season can really bring out the worst in people. Each of these things happened within the last 10 minutes of my shopping trip:

1. I was trying to turn into a main aisle but I saw a cart coming and so I stopped and grinned slightly at the man pushing the cart. He looks at me, smiles rather big and says, "Thank ya baby, for smiling. Have a Merry Christmas!" Wouldn't you know that he's an employee? I can only imagine how many shitheads he's had to deal with in the past few weeks, but he was thankful that I was smiling and not silently rude.

2. I get in line to check out. I have about 15 items in my cart but the man behind me only has two items and so I tell him to go ahead and go in front   of me. His response? "Oh no, it's fine, (while smiling) I'm in no hurry at all." SINCE WHEN IS EVERYONE NOT IN A HURRY?

3. We both end up switching lanes because a couple of new lanes became available. I get up to pay and realize both my debit and credit card are in the car and I only have about $100 cash on me. I'm about $3 short to purchase that other bottle of wine, but it's fine really. I mean, it's just wine, and the party isn't until Friday. The man behind me speaks up, "Oh, hey, how much do you need?" "Let me get that for you" I mean, he is insisting. I, of course, do not let him pay because I literally have no cash out in the car to pay him back- but it's the thought. 

Each of these things completely gave me a warm & fuzzy feeling. So many wonderful people still exist in this world, even at 11:00 at night in a Walmart. Did I mention I was extremely sick and in severe pain from a fever? Thank you, kind souls for being genuine people! This is why life ins't so bad after all (:

And actually, I'm feeling a bit better today! Everyone, enjoy your day and don't forget to stay kind even in the most impossible situations.
