Saturday, February 20, 2016



For those of you who know me on a personal level, this probably won't be too shocking to you. But to those of you know either don't know me at all, or know me from afar, you may be more surprised.


Like never.

I began working when I was 14 and I spent the money to go a trip to Hawaii. By the time I was 17 my goal was to buy a car, so I just saved enough to get a car. But since then, I haven't needed to budget.

Which is totally great. And totally regrettable.

You should see my closet. I don't mean this in a bragging manner - I'm out of control.

Last year I threw away 60 pair of underwear that were older, etc. I still have an entire drawer full. I have literally never ran out, and probably wouldn't for months.
I own at least 40 pairs of shoes. I have 20+ pairs of jeans (I LIVE IN FLORIDA), and nearly 40 pairs of shorts. Not to mention the purses, ohhhhh the purses. 
It's completely out of control.

I've always felt that I should be able to buy what I want when I want, and that's always been that. And so, that's how I've lived. Don't worry, my hubby is guilty too.

Each year we spend all of our available time off of work in Ohio, visiting family for the holidays. We usually take a couple of weekend trips to the beach, but beyond that we don't really do real vacations. We live in "paradise" and haven't needed to buy anything crazy (other than household things like a recent hot water heater). 

But now, since we've decided to officially go on this trip we are budgeting. No, we really are.

The word still makes me feel uncomfortable. We've been doing this for about 40 days now.
And successfully so, I must say. 

However, I wish I could go back in time and start this from the beginning. Because, believe it or not, I'm really enjoying the organization behind the budgeting. I have set up a beautiful excel sheet that is extremely specific to our life, and I update it every single day. Not to mention, we would be able to go on many more adventures/trips.

Not to mention I have found so many easy ways of making extra cash to help save. 

No worries, I will be letting you all in on our secrets in my next post. I'll start calculating everything now to let you know exactly how much extra cash we have made in the past 40 days!

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