Monday, November 3, 2014


I seem to change how I feel (about everything) quite often.

For example for literally 5 years Jordan would beg me to keep trying caesar salads that I hated- and finally, about 6 months ago I tried one for the hundredth time and somehow actually like it.

And now I'm obsessed.

Weird, I know.

The same stands true for a lot of other foods, ideas, activities, etc.

I keep me on my toes so nobody else has to.

When I was younger I couldn't get enough of winter- the snow, sledding, reindeer, SANTA CLAUS, decorating the Christmas tree, SO much hot chocolate, Christmas music & movies and the list goes on and on.

But as I got older I began hating winter. Don't get me wrong, I stilled loved everything about Christmas, however, I just hated the cold and would practically hibernate all winter besides work and school (and even then I sometimes wouldn't make it due to being ridiculously cold).

Alas, we are here. The best happy-medium I could ask for.

Florida, all year round.

I still freeze, just not as much. I still skip school sometimes (today) because I'm too cold to get out of bed, but not as often. I still LOVE Christmas, hot chocolate, music, movies, cuddling- but even more, because now I can actually get out of the house and enjoy life during the winters.

It still gets pretty cold here starting late December-February, a different kind of cold than the north offers, but I'm somehow okay with the cold knowing that summers come so much earlier & last so much longer.

Recently we've been in a crazy cold front, it was 37 degrees when I got up at 8:30 this morning, which is "cold" for us this time of year. Today the high will be back up to 77, thank goodness. With the wind I'll still be chilly & I'll still go grab me some Peppermint Mocha from Starbucks<3

But that's alright, because we need to experience a little fall before our winter actually hits.

For a girl that hates Winter, Florida sure has taught me to love it.

For all of my northern friends, keep warm- I know you're experiencing the true cold weather that's completely unbearable to me! & also, feel free to come visit whenever (:

P.S. Peppermint Mocha is available YEAR ROUND, in case you didn't know (:


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