Friday, January 27, 2017

New Year, New...

Not me. That's for sure.

It's only January of 2017 and I'm already running a million miles per minute.

I haven't blogged in, eh, almost a year - and I didn't make any New Year's resolutions (because I don't do well with resolutions, only action plans). Sidenote: I'm working on an action plan now.

The good news is that I'm feeling more prepared than ever, and I truly am ready for some big changes this year. Nothing too planned; we are in the process of selling our house and moving to a new state. But that's easy peasy. (We don't have housing or jobs yet).

& oh yeah, I want to chillllll outtttttttt.                           Whatever that means.

Politics are kind of ruining Facebook and making it difficult to keep up with those who I care about right now, but I see you all, in all of your opinions and different hates. For now I'm just sitting here, observing, and trying to take it all in.

Comments may come later.

27 days in, and I'm finally feeling ready to take on 2017. Hope to bring you all with me on the journey                                                                
